5 tips to Remove the Emotion of Decluttering
So, you're a "stuff" person. That’s okay—many of us get emotionally attached to our things (myself included!). It can be tough to let go of items that hold any meaning. But we all know that keeping things we don’t need or use can lead to a lot of clutter, especially if you’re in a small space or short on storage.
You know you need to clear out some things to make room in your home, but that doesn’t make it any easier to get started. You need a decluttering game plan that considers your feelings too. Here are some techniques to help you declutter without letting your emotions get in the way—and without losing everything that has sentimental value.
Create a Checklist
Before you start decluttering, make a checklist of criteria your possessions need to meet for you to keep them. Ask yourself questions like, "Have I used this in the last year?" or "Is there something better I can replace this with?" As you go through your items, refer to your checklist—if something doesn’t meet your criteria, it goes. Also, make a list of ways to get rid of your clutter that doesn’t feel wasteful, like donating items, giving them to friends, or recycling. Having these tools handy—criteria to stick to and a plan for follow-through—might help you make more concrete decisions as you work through your things.
Take Photos
If what you really want to keep is the memory related to an item, there's a solution. Capture the sentimental value by taking photos of the items before you get rid of them. Store the photos in a file on your computer (and back them up!), or get creative and make a scrapbook. The photos will take up much less space than the actual objects, and you can still look at them and remember the good times whenever you like.
Get a Friend to Help You
If you think you'll have a hard time parting with your things, having someone there who doesn’t have the same emotional attachment can help. An unbiased friend can keep you in check and ensure you don’t keep anything you really don’t need. This works especially well if you’ve made that checklist—they can help you look at things more objectively and stick to your criteria.
Sell Things of Value
Sometimes letting go of possessions is more about the money spent on them than their sentimental value. If you’re worried about getting rid of expensive items, sell them—you might not make back all the money, but you won’t lose out entirely. Use apps specifically for selling your stuff, post ads on Craigslist, or take items to consignment shops. Knowing you’ll get some value back might make it easier to say goodbye.
Check out our free reports
Whether you're moving to a cozier place or just a new home, downsizing can make everything a lot smoother. With fewer things, you'll have less to pack and organize when you arrive, plus it gives you a chance to start fresh. Keep reading to discover how to make your life simpler by downsizing. We have 3 free reports that you can receive directly to your email. Save money on utilities, learn home maintenance, and get decluttering tips for empty nesters in Roanoke Virginia.
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